Terms and Conditions of Service

Last updated January 2024

If you have booked an appointment with Aldebaran Healing you will have entered into an agreement to receive a service based on these Terms and Conditions. Aldebaran Healing reserves the right to update these Terms and Conditions, where required.


Payment is due in full either before your session or after. You will be able to make payment easily online with a credit/debit card, electronic bank transfer, or cash. A late payment fee (10% of the full invoice) will apply if you have not made a payment within 7 days from the date you receive the service.


If for any reason you are unable to attend your appointment with less than 48 hours notice you will be charged the full payment of your session. Payment is due on receipt of an invoice on the day of your missed appointment. If for any reason you are running more than 15 mins late, and you have not let the practitioner know, they may not be able to reschedule your appointment or offer a shorter treatment if they have another client booked soon after. For this reason, your appointment may need to be cancelled if you are more than 15 mins late.

Consent for receiving a service

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Acupuncture is part of a holistic system of healthcare known as Chinese Medicine (CM) or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Treatment may consist of : acupuncture, therapeutic touch and acupressure, moxibustion, cupping, guasha (dermal friction massage technique), facilitation of body awareness, Chinese Herbal Medicine, lifestyle and dietary guidance in accordance with principles of Chinese Medicine.

Risks of Treatment: Acupuncture is a safe method of treatment when performed by a registered practitioner. The risks involved with acupuncture are generally minor and relatively rare. A detailed consent form outlining the nature of treatment and risks involved and your rights will be given to you upon your initial consultation. The most commonly reported side effects being slight bruising and minor bleeding. Some acupuncture points may be ‘bleed’ for therapeutic reasons, which involves taking a few drops of blood. Other potential risks that are not so common include: fainting, numbness, tingling, or itchyness near the site of the needle which lasts a few hours to a few days. Potential but very unlikely risks reported in scientific research on the side effects of acupuncture include: nerve damage, organ puncture (often due to very deep and inappropriate needling technique), and infection (often due to unhygienic practicing conditions).


Hakomi is a therapy involving mindfulness and somatic (body) approaches. It is suited to exploring aspects of the self (our personality, ego, heart, mind, soul, spirit), our unconscious ways of being held in our body, and working through relational trauma or traumatic experiences. It is a relational therapy and as with any form of therapeutic relationship trust and rapport is foundational aspect of the healing journey. If you do not feel your practitioner or the Hakomi method is the right fit for you, they will offer recommendation of other therapists, other psycho-therapeutic modalities or health support you may be seeking. Before receiving a Hakomi therapy session a detailed consent form will be given to you providing information on the purpose of Hakomi and giving space for any questions you may have.


Your consent will be required to obtain information about your date of birth, including exact time and location. Personal information will be asked as part of the astrology consultation.

Ethics Privacy and Confidentiality

Your personal information shared during a consultation and therapeutic session with your practitioner will remain confidential and your personal information will be stored securely. For more information about your privacy see our Privacy Policy.

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Your practitioner is a registered practitioner of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine with the Chinese Medicine Council NZ, and as such agrees to follow the Chinese Medicine Council NZ Practice Standards. Your practitioner also is registered with AcNZ and agrees to follow the AcNZ Code of Professional Ethics, as well as the Health and Disability Commissioner’s Code of Rights.


Your practitioner is a Hakomi Graduate Therapist and agrees to follow the  Hakomi Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.


Astrology is a symbolic intuitive therapeutic art with an approach which encompasses science and spirituality - logos and mythos. Astrology offers a deep method of inquiry into the life of your soul. As such, your astrologer will hold the intention to offer a consultation which meets you where you are on your soul journey with sensitivity, respect and awareness of professional ethics required in a therapeutic relationship with an astrologer.


While the intention of treatment and a therapeutic relationship with Aldebaran Healing aims to address your health safely and holistically, we recognise there are many different ways to heal and health concerns can be complex. Our care cannot replace the advice of your GP or specialist medical doctor, especially if you are experiencing a health crisis. If you have any medical conditions you should advise your practitioner of these during your initial consultation so that treatment can be best tailored to you. It is recommended you also advise your medical doctor of any complementary treatment you are receiving, so that if suitable a shared care approach may be established. If you are experiencing a health emergency or mental health crisis and you are based in Aotearoa - NZ you are advised to seek care by phoning 111, visiting your nearest emergency care centre/hospital, or support through Mental Health Helplines.