Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an integrative medicine used to treat a range of health conditions. Some of the benefits of an acupuncture treatment commonly experienced include: pain relief, improved sleep, reduced anxiety and restlessness in the body, experiencing of emotions and trauma held in the body, harmonising the menstrual cycle and supporting fertility, treatment of pregnancy related discomfort and conditions, improved digestion and immunity, reduced inflammation in the body.

Traditionally the practice of acupuncture and Chinese medicine was strongly focused on preventing illness and treating the root cause of illness as opposed to just symptom relief. The length of time a health condition has been present will determine the course of acupuncture treatment. For acute conditions sometimes one treatment is enough to provide relief or to bring the body back into a healthy balance. For chronic conditions these require a longer course of regular treatment.

Pregnancy Acupuncture

A commonly used acupuncture point for calming the mind

Pain Relief

Acupuncture is effective in helping reduce pain whether that is acute or chronic pain patterns. Acupuncture has been scientifically shown to activate the bodies natural pain molecules such as opioids, and other molecules such as ATP and adenosine, GABA and substance P. Acupuncture also helps improve sensitivity to the bodies pain molecules and has a down regulating effect on pain pathways in the body. Currently, there is growing medical and societal concern around the reliance of pharmaceutical pain medications which have addictive qualities particularly opioids, and the long term effect of chronic overuse of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories on gastrointestinal health. Acupuncture as a treatment for pain, can offer both immediate pain relief, and sustained reductions in chronic pain with accumulative treatment. Pain is often the result of physical or emotional trauma which the body still experiences as real and ongoing even though there may no longer be evident trauma. This is why trauma is not just about the nature and intensity of the traumatic experience, but our individual response to the traumatic experience (i.e. the subjective experience of how the trauma impacted us in the body and mind as a whole). Acupuncture can help us to feel parts of our body which are in pain, in small and short-lived manageable doses. A safe re-experiencing of pain in this way helps to reshape the pain response pathways in the brain and body.

Improving digestion and bowel function

When a client is lying down experiencing an acupuncture treatment often they will notice their tummy making small digesting sounds they are not normally aware of in their usual daily life. When the body relaxes and feels safe, the rest and digest aspect of the vagus nerve is activated. The vagus nerve is a polyvalent nerve with three main modes of activation (ventral vagal, sympathetic, dorsal vagal - see image below). It is a deep cranial nerve connecting the brain to the body and has vast functions in the body. One of the functions is to deliver information from the digestive system to the brain. Acupuncture can facilitate rest and digest and ventral vagal activation, helping to improve digestion and bowel function, which in turn improves health and energy through the efficient absorption of nutrients and healthy elimination of toxins and what is not needed for the body. Bowel function is highly responsive to stress, to our emotions, how we interact in our social environment, as well as physical activity and dietary adjustments.

Polyvagal Theory Creative Commons CC BY-ND Hearth Science, SPC //'

Reducing anxiety and improving sleep

An acupuncture treatment can help to release nervous tension, whether this is experienced as anxiety, worry, repetitive thoughts, disordered thinking, emotional overwhelm, disruptions to appetite and digestion, or agitation and restlessness in the body. When we allow the body an opportunity to rest during an acupuncture treatment, and for the mind to feel the body we are activating parts of the brain and nervous system which are not always active during the busyness of the day. Typically if we are unable to rest and yield into sleep at night there will be some restlessness in the mind and body. Acupuncture can allow the body an experience of activating the ventral vagus nerve as well as the dorsal vagus nerve, promoting relaxation and homeostasis, or harmony in the body. Acupuncture can help to support the functioning of the pineal gland which plays a role in light-dark circadian rhythm and melatonin production. Acupuncture has also been shown to help our ability to cope with stress via improvements in heart rate variability.

Enhancing immunity and decreasing inflammation

Immunity is highly influenced by our individual body response to stress. Emotions and pain, which might be overwhelming for the body to process, can directly and indirectly influence the expression of a variety of physical illnesses, such as: colds and flu, headaches, digestive inflammation, skin rashes, autoimmune conditions, and cancers. In Chinese medicine our bodies have a natural intelligent defensive system, if this system is weakened then we are more vulnerable to low immunity, recurrent viruses and infections, autoimmune conditions, environmental sensitivity, the emotions of others. When the body is in a relaxed state and feels safe, it sends an anti-inflammatory signal to other parts of the body and stimulates natural healing and regenerative processes in the body. Acupuncture can help to release stored stress and tension in the body, reducing inflammation and strengthening immunity.

Harmonising the menstrual cycle and supporting fertility

Within Chinese medicine philosophy a healthy flowing period occurs with regularity and without severe debilitating pain or premenstrual symptoms. This is rarely the case for many women and young women who suffer considerably.  Acupuncture is used to treat a range of gynaecological conditions including: endometriosis, fibroids and polyps, pelvic inflammatory disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome and ovulatory disorders and blockages in fallopian tubes. Biomedicine does not always understand the cause of these menstrual disorders and treatment is often limited. Acupuncture is focused on addressing the underlying cause of menstrual disorders. Acupuncture in combination with lifestyle advice can help to reduce pain and inflammation associated with the menstrual cycle by treating the deeper pattern(s) of disharmony in the menstrual cycle. When the menstrual cycle is in harmony, there is a natural flow to the menstrual cycle, and a receptive fertile womb.

If you would like to know more about what an acupuncture treatment involves at our Tauranga acupuncture clinic you can find this here. If you would like to book a treatment at our Tauranga acupuncture clinic you can get in touch with Rose, our Acupuncturist.


For information on the scientific evidence for acupuncture, you can find this at Evidence Based Acupuncture and The Journal of Chinese Medicine

To learn more about the vagus nerve and polyvagal theory you can find this at following useful websites : Deb Dana - Rhythm of Regulation, Polyvagal Institute - What is Polyvagal Theory, Restorative Practices.