Astrology Consultations

Connecting the night sky to your soul life on earth


Jason being regurgitated by the dragon who keeps the Golden Fleece. Red-figured vase by Douris, c. 480-470 BC. From Cerveteri (Etruria). Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


“ But we – who are we “



Astrology offers us a diverse perspective about who we are, the life experiences we have, and the relationships we are drawn to in our life. We are complex beings and astrology offers a way to be with the complexity within ourselves and the night sky.

An astrology consultation offers curiosity and meaningful awareness in areas such as: relationships, health, career, family, spirituality, making meaning around transitions and important life passages or experiences, life purpose or direction, dreams, aspirations.

In an individual birth chart astrology consultation (reading) we’ll explore some of the stories, archetypes, and symbols associated with the 12 creatures of the western tropical zodiac as well as the planets in relation to where they reside in your birth chart. The birth chart is the night sky under which you were born, and it contains all the ‘creatures’ in the zodiac. We are not just our sun sign! We are our moon sign, our Pluto sign, our Venus sign…. and all of the zodiac creatures symbolically shape our life. During an astrology consultation a creative space is provided for the stories and symbols in the night sky to meet you in your present felt-experience on earth.

Individual Birth chart consultation

75 mins - $110

Followup Astrology Consultations

Ongoing consultations provide creative and reflective space to deepen into archetypal themes and aspects in your chart which are relevant for you.

60 mins - $100

Mini Astrology Consultation

After an initial individual birth chart consultation, a shorter consultation is suitable for a specific dynamic or transit you would like to briefly explore.

30 mins - $50

Urania - Muse of Astronomy and Astrology in Greek Myth Wikimedia Creative Commons

How does an astrology consultation work?

  1. Decide if you would like to go ahead and schedule a consultation. If you are wanting to book an in-person consultation you can book this online in the button below. If you require a online zoom consultation please get in touch with me in the form below.

  2. After you have paid for the consultation, I’ll email you to request your full name, the exact location, date and time of your birth. If there is anything you are particularly interested in exploring you can let me know.

  3. I’ll then review your details and get in touch by email and offer you available appointment times to choose. Consultations are available in person in Tauranga, and online via zoom.

  4. We’ll meet for the consultation and discuss and explore your birth chart. You will receive your birth chart so you can revisit it anytime.


Schedule an Astrology Consultation



Practice Hours: Monday 9 am - 6 pm | Wednesday 8 am - 5 pm | Thursday 8 am - 6 pm

Practice Location: 47 Pitua Road, Te Puna, Tauranga 3176
+ 64 21 665 915